In The Backbreaker High School Football League, the Kilpatrick Mustangs were running back high. Kilpatrick had 3 running backs that could have started for any school. The Mustangs finished the season at 2-1. The BHSFL ended shortly after the...
Everyone came to see the Tweeder vs Willie Weathers show, but Chase Mahoney stole the show with his record setting 5 sacks versus the Coyotes. Watch the Kilpatrick Mustangs face off against the West...
Opening week of the Backbreaker High School Football League begins with a bang. Toronto star running back Demetrius Sanders runs for a record 400 yards vs D.C. Everest.
The official trailer of the Backbreaker High School Football League upcoming season. This trailer contains high school football highlights from only half of the 12 total teams in the league.