The 16 teams have been decided for the Backbreaker College Football League. These teams will participate in a seed tournament, to decide the rankings for the league.
Backbreaker College Football League Teams
- Atlanta State University: ATSU
- Basset A&M: BAM
- Blue Mountain State Mountain Goats: BMS
- Bristol University: BU
- Dab University Devils: DAB
- Eastern Michigan University Lancers: EMU
- Eastern State University: ESU
- Hinds Liberty: UH
- LA State Demon: LA
- Louisiana Mud Dogs: SCLSU
- Missouri Tech: MT
- SAU Bulls: SAU
- Slaphoe University Savages: SU
- Texahoma: UT
- U.C.L.S. Bookworms: UCLS
- Westbrook University: WU